Does Going Commando Smell?

Going commando, or choosing to ditch your underwear altogether, is a personal choice that can be liberating and comfortable. While some people may worry about potential odor, the truth is that going commando doesn’t necessarily lead to a stinky situation. Regular bathing and keeping your clothing clean will help prevent any unwanted smells. So if you want to go rogue and skip the undies, go for it – just remember to practice good hygiene habits.
Does Going Commando Smell?

Does Going Commando Have an Impact on Your Odor Down There?

Unsurprisingly, going commando can have an impact on your odor down below. When you wear underwear, it acts as a barrier between your skin and clothes, helping to soak up and control moisture levels. Without this barrier, sweat and bacteria have nowhere to go, leading to an increased risk of unpleasant odors.

However, this doesn’t mean that you can’t go commando and avoid smelling altogether. The key is to maintain good hygiene habits, such as showering regularly and wiping thoroughly after using the bathroom. You may also want to consider wearing breathable fabrics, such as cotton, to help control moisture levels. Ultimately, the decision to go commando shouldn’t solely be based on odor concerns, but instead on personal comfort and preference.

Going commando is a personal choice that can bring both benefits and drawbacks. While it may lead to increased odor levels, it can also provide a sense of liberation and comfort for those who prefer not to wear underwear. Whatever your decision may be, remember to prioritize good hygiene habits to avoid any unwanted odors.

The Pros and Cons of Freeballing

While some may argue that going commando is a liberating experience, there are certainly some pros and cons to consider before ditching the undies altogether.


  • Comfort: Without the confines of underwear, you may find that going commando is a more comfortable option, especially on hot and humid days.
  • Savings: Going commando means you can save some money on underwear, which can add up over time.
  • No visible panty lines: If you’re wearing tight or thin clothing, wearing underwear could result in visible panty lines. Going commando eliminates this issue.


  • Bacteria buildup: Without the barrier of underwear, bacteria can build up more easily, leading to unpleasant odors and potential health issues. It’s important to maintain good hygiene if you choose to go commando.
  • No support: Underwear provides support for your genitals and can prevent them from bouncing around or rubbing against clothing. Going commando may result in discomfort or chafing.
  • Risk of exposure: One wrong move in loose or thin clothing could result in unintentional exposure, which could be embarrassing or even lead to legal trouble.

Ultimately, the decision to go commando is a personal choice. While there are benefits, it’s important to consider the potential downsides and make an informed decision that’s right for you. Just remember to prioritize hygiene and consider the clothing you’re wearing before making the choice to ditch your undies.

Exploring the Myth: Does Going Commando Make You Stink?

Let’s dive straight into exploring the age-old myth: Does going commando make you stink? To answer this, we have to understand why we stink in the first place. Sweat contains bacteria that can cling onto fabric and produce an unpleasant smell, especially in tight clothing. However, when we go commando, our genitals are exposed to the air, giving them room to breathe, and preventing sweat and bacteria from being trapped in our underwear.

Therefore, going commando doesn’t necessarily make you stink. In fact, it can even help to reduce odors down there. However, going commando isn’t for everyone and can have consequences of its own, especially if you’re prone to chafing. It’s essential to wear breathable fabric that can help absorb moisture and keep your genitals dry. Another thing to consider is hygiene- washing regularly and practicing good genital hygiene can help prevent odor build-up.

  • Tip: If you’re nervous about trying out this clothing option, start by going commando at night or when you’re wearing loose clothing.
  • Tip: If you’re worried about chafing, talcum powder or cornstarch can help relieve irritation.

The bottom line is that going commando itself doesn’t make you stink. Still, it’s important to take other precautions to maintain good hygiene and comfortability continually. So if you’re curious about trying this style out, go for it, but do it in a way that’s suitable for you.

What Happens to Your Genital Odor When You Go Commando?

If you’re one of those people who prefer to go commando, you might wonder what happens to your genital odor when you choose to ditch the briefs. The answer is simple – your genital scent is likely to be more noticeable when you go underwear-free.

When you wear underwear, it helps to absorb the sweat and moisture in your nether region, reducing the amount of odor that is produced. However, when you don’t wear underwear, sweat and friction can build up, leading to an increase in odor. To minimize genital odor while going commando, you can take a few simple steps like showering daily, wearing breathable fabrics, and avoiding tight-fitting clothes. It’s essential to take these steps to stay fresh and hygienic, not only for your comfort but also for those around you.

    Tips to Help Keep Your Genital Area Fresh and Odor-Free When Going Commando:

  • Shower daily to keep the genital area clean and remove any bacteria buildup that may cause odor.
  • Wear breathable fabrics such as cotton or linen to avoid trapping moisture and sweat.
  • Avoid tight-fitting pants or shorts that may cause friction and increase the amount of sweat produced in the genital area.
  • Keep the genital area dry by patting it with a clean towel after showering.
  • Change clothes regularly, especially after exercising or being in hot, humid environments.

Going commando is a personal choice that can be liberating, but it’s important to be mindful of hygiene and follow specific techniques to reduce odor. With the right steps, you can enjoy the benefits of going commando without worrying about unpleasant smells.

The Do’s and Don’ts When Choosing to Go Commando

When deciding to go commando, there are certain things you should and should not do to ensure everything stays fresh and clean. Here are some do’s and don’ts to keep in mind:

  1. Do wear the right pants. Going commando is not suitable for every type of garment. Always choose pants or shorts that are made from breathable materials such as cotton or bamboo. This will help avoid unpleasant odors and keep you feeling fresh all day long.
  2. Don’t forget about hygiene. It is essential to keep your private area clean and healthy when going commando. Take a quick shower in the morning and at night, and always wipe front to back when using the bathroom, as this can help prevent bacterial infections.
  3. Do consider the occasion. Going commando might be appropriate for a lazy day at home, but not for a job interview or a formal event. Always consider the occasion before ditching the underwear.
  4. Don’t be afraid to experiment. If you are not sure about going commando, try it out at home first to see how it feels. You might find that you love the freedom and comfort it provides.

Remember, going commando is a personal choice, and it is up to you to decide whether it works for you or not. By following these do’s and don’ts, you can ensure a positive and comfortable experience. Just remember to always prioritize your hygiene and comfort above all else.

Solutions for Avoiding Unpleasant Smells While Going Commando

There are a few easy solutions to avoid any unpleasant smells while going commando. Firstly, incorporating a daily hygiene routine is key. Make sure to shower regularly, paying extra attention to your nether region. Use a mild soap to avoid any irritation and pat dry thoroughly. It’s important to note that using harsh or fragranced products can actually cause more harm than good.

Another solution is to invest in some breathable clothing made from natural fibers such as cotton or bamboo. These fabrics will allow your skin to breathe and prevent any moisture from building up, which can lead to odors. Opt for loose-fitting clothing to allow for maximum airflow. Tight clothing can cause friction and trap odor-causing bacteria.

Pro tip: Adding a drop of tea tree or lavender essential oil to your laundry can help kill any bacteria and leave your clothes smelling fresh. Don’t forget to wash your underwear after every use to prevent any lingering odors. Follow these simple solutions, and you can confidently go commando without any fear of unpleasant smells.

So, there you have it! All the nitty-gritty on the age-old question of whether going commando leads to unpleasant odors. While everyone’s body is different, science shows that it’s highly unlikely. However, if you’re still hesitant, don’t forget that there are many breathable and odor-resistant underwear options out there. After all, comfort and confidence are key when it comes to feeling good in your own skin (and undies). Here’s to staying fresh and funky-free, whether commando or not!

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