{"id":113,"date":"2023-05-07T08:33:33","date_gmt":"2023-05-07T01:33:33","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/intimmkt.com\/does-going-commando-smell\/"},"modified":"2023-05-07T08:33:33","modified_gmt":"2023-05-07T01:33:33","slug":"does-going-commando-smell","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/intimmkt.com\/does-going-commando-smell\/","title":{"rendered":"Does Going Commando Smell?"},"content":{"rendered":"

Going commando, or choosing to ditch your underwear altogether, is a personal choice that can be liberating and comfortable. While some people may worry about potential odor, the truth is that going commando doesn’t necessarily lead to a stinky situation. Regular bathing and keeping your clothing clean will help prevent any unwanted smells. So if you want to go rogue and skip the undies, go for it – just remember to practice good hygiene habits.

Does Going Commando Have an Impact on Your Odor Down There?<\/h2>\n

Unsurprisingly, going commando can have an impact on your odor down below. When you wear underwear, it acts as a barrier between your skin and clothes, helping to soak up and control moisture levels. Without this barrier, sweat and bacteria have nowhere to go, leading to an increased risk of unpleasant odors. <\/p>\n

However, this doesn’t mean that you can’t go commando and avoid smelling altogether. The key is to maintain good hygiene habits, such as showering regularly and wiping thoroughly after using the bathroom. You may also want to consider wearing breathable fabrics, such as cotton, to help control moisture levels. Ultimately, the decision to go commando shouldn’t solely be based on odor concerns, but instead on personal comfort and preference. <\/p>\n

Going commando is a personal choice that can bring both benefits and drawbacks. While it may lead to increased odor levels, it can also provide a sense of liberation and comfort for those who prefer not to wear underwear. Whatever your decision may be, remember to prioritize good hygiene habits to avoid any unwanted odors.<\/p>\n

The Pros and Cons of Freeballing<\/h2>\n

While some may argue that going commando is a liberating experience, there are certainly some pros and cons to consider before ditching the undies altogether.<\/p>\n
