{"id":171,"date":"2023-05-22T23:25:24","date_gmt":"2023-05-22T16:25:24","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/intimmkt.com\/what-not-to-do-before-wax\/"},"modified":"2023-05-31T13:34:15","modified_gmt":"2023-05-31T06:34:15","slug":"what-not-to-do-before-wax","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/intimmkt.com\/what-not-to-do-before-wax\/","title":{"rendered":"What Not To Do Before Wax?"},"content":{"rendered":"

If you’re planning on waxing, it’s time to put down that razor and step away from the self-tanner! Trust us, you don’t want to make these rookie mistakes before your wax. Avoid feeling like a sticky mess or dealing with pesky ingrowns by steering clear of hair removal and bronzers at least 24 hours before your appointment. And whatever you do, don’t exfoliate or wash with anything too harsh, unless you want to start your weekend with a raw, red bikini line. Take care of your skin, and your wax will take care of you!

Things to Avoid Before Waxing<\/h2>\n

If you’re a regular waxer, you know how important it is to prep your skin before the actual session. Not only can it make the experience less painful, but it can also lead to better results. However, there are some things you should avoid doing in the hours leading up to your appointment to ensure a successful outcome.<\/p>\n