{"id":60,"date":"2023-05-01T13:32:00","date_gmt":"2023-05-01T06:32:00","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/intimmkt.com\/why-is-my-pubic-hair-so-thick-and-hard\/"},"modified":"2023-05-01T13:32:00","modified_gmt":"2023-05-01T06:32:00","slug":"why-is-my-pubic-hair-so-thick-and-hard","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/intimmkt.com\/why-is-my-pubic-hair-so-thick-and-hard\/","title":{"rendered":"Why Is My Pubic Hair So Thick And Hard?"},"content":{"rendered":"

Well, it’s all about those hormones, baby! As you hit puberty, your body starts producing more androgens, which can lead to thicker, coarser pubic hair. So don’t fret, you’re just experiencing some natural changes. Plus, some people just have thicker hair than others – it’s all part of what makes us unique. Embrace your beautiful, thick and hard pubic hair!

Why Do Some Women Have Thick and Hard Pubic Hair?<\/h2>\n

Pubic hair can have a range of textures and thicknesses, depending on a variety of factors including genetics and hormone levels. Some women may find that their pubic hair is thicker and harder compared to others. This can be attributed to a few factors, including:<\/p>\n